After watching the third episode of this Netflix series “Trigger Warning”, I knew this blog post had to happen. I definitely had to look at some projects I was working on, then, in the mirror. I had to tell myself, “Your dream is whack!”

Image result for netflix trigger warning"


In one of the episodes of “Trigger Warning”, Killer Mike asks one Black youth about his dream. The little boy proceeded to say that he wanted to be the President of the United States. Killer Mike, without pause, tells the kid, “Your dream is whack!” – The Education Episode: “F*ck School” S1E2, Netflix, 2018

Killer Mike instantly stole the fire the young man had.

If I stopped the story here, Killer Mike would come off as a heartless soul.

What he did next was nothing short of incredible. He taught that young man and his classmates various skills/trades to show them that it’s not about your dream, it’s about what you contribute to the world along the way. In a world full of people who will tell you “how rich they are, how broke you are, and ask you to support them”… It’s about time someone just stopped the games and said, “Yo, your dream is whack, but here’s an idea that can help you.”

The following quote came from a narrative cut screen during the episode where Killer Mike was able to tell an interviewer what was really going through his head when the young boy responded the way he did. It really sums everything up.

“Nobody gives a sh*t about what you’re thinking, they give a f*ck about what you build.”

– Killer Mike, Trigger Warning

So many times in America, we are told to follow our dreams. Well, what if your dream sucks, or you just go about it in a way that makes it seem like it sucks? As humans, there’s a constant battle around if our new ideas will grow wings or if it will turn into maggots. The thing about it is, if your dream sucks, it just does! Face it, your dream could be whack.

My goal is to help you with your whack dreams by starting with a smaller list of goals.

I want to show you how to manage realistic dreams. The only difference between a whack dream and a real dream is the fact that only one can become a reality. I don’t want you to waste your time.

It’s important to understand any realistic goal is accomplished through a series of steps. Some of the steps are actions and some of the steps may include personal growth.

When I want to know if I have a whack dream, I grab a piece of paper and list out all the problems my dream solves for others and myself. I write down the things about my dream that will be hard and all the easy tasks. Finally, I list out worst-case scenarios if the plan fails and best-case scenarios if it succeeds. I use all this material and start work on finding mentors I trust to support my dream.

Some people may not like this newsflash, but you need a killer of dreams, adjuster of dreams — a mentor for your new ideas amongst your friends. Ideally, this would be someone that has a higher level of expertise in what you’re planning to achieve and is willing to tell you the truth. You need to learn the lessons about how your idea sucks. No matter the who or what of the delivery. Get ready to grow from constructive feedback!

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Major Key: Investigating the fact that your dream might be whack can help you come up with some kick-ass ways to keep your dream alive! If nothing else, you’ll learn where the gaps are in the vision and what help it is that you need.

How to identify and fix a whack dream:

1. Find someone that you trust to be responsible to tell you what is whack about your dream. This person can be a coach, mentor, or an experienced friend.

2. Seek all the documented information from other experts about what makes your dream whack and what parts of it are realistic for you today.

3. Gather all the info about what makes your dream whack and find ways to overcome those obstacles.

4. Make adjustments to make the dream real, or use your purpose to start working on a new dream. This is the most important step because this is where you actually commit to your decision to move forward or not.

– Goal-Getter PM / Goals and Hip Hop

Do you need to tell yourself your dream is whack? Do you need to tell a friend their dream is whack and give them ideas on how to make it better? Make sure you ask for permission first and give constructive criticism with love.

There are so many more lessons that I learned from “Trigger Warning”. I have revisited the documentary since my initial viewing a year ago, and a year later, this documentary still relevant. So I encourage anyone to watch and rewatch the documentary. Get inspired to be the change you want to see. Even though your dream may start out whack, you know how to change that now. You are ready to flex on your whack dreams!

ScrumMaster Bri, over and out. Feel free to check out my page on Facebook that I’ve been adding info in order to help some folks: Goals and Hip Hop.